Banana gelato

Making your own icecream is so much better than store-bought. All the usual reasons for cooking from scratch apply: more flavor and only natural ingredients. If you’ve never made your own icecream before, banana is a good flavor to start with as the banana really helps to achieve a great texture even without adding eggs. All you need is bananas, whipping cream, sugar and a splash of freshly squeezed lemon juice!

Please make sure to use ripe bananas for this, as it makes a huge difference. Ripe bananas are yellow with small brown spots (like freckles). The result will have an amazing banana taste.


For 4 generous servings

450 grams (1 pound) ripe bananas

100 grams (1/2 cup) vanilla-scented sugar (created by keeping vanilla beans in your sugar jar)

250 ml (1 cup) whipping cream

1 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice


Puree all ingredients together in a blender until completely smooth. Refrigerate for an hour or more, tightly covered.

Pour the mixture into your icecream maker and let it churn at the highest speed for a more airy result.

And that’s all! The most wonderful banana icecream you’ve ever tasted is ready to serve.

Wine pairing

This goes well with a yellow-colored sweet muscat wine, as opposed to amber-colored muscat wines that are less fruity.

4 thoughts on “Banana gelato

      1. Yes, I read that there is no need to make the custard! 🙂 American bananas don’t have as much flavor, so they are best in sweet treats, like muffins and ice-creams. Oh, I made some vanilla sugar (or started the process) this morning; thanks for the tip!


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