Sicilian Stuffed Eggplant (Melanzane abbottonate)

Although I have been to Sicily a number of times and I have tasted local dishes there like caponata, pasta con le sarde, arancini, and busiate, I had never heard of melanzane abbottonate until I read about them on Stefano’s blog. … Continue reading Sicilian Stuffed Eggplant (Melanzane abbottonate)

Fresh Pasta with Red Onion, White Beans, and Pecorino (Fileja con cipolla di Tropea, Poverello bianco e pecorino del Poro)

Red onions are the specialty of the town of Tropea in Calabria in the deep South of Italy. Red onions are even known as “cipolle di Tropea” throughout Italy. In and around Tropea you see red onions everywhere. The local … Continue reading Fresh Pasta with Red Onion, White Beans, and Pecorino (Fileja con cipolla di Tropea, Poverello bianco e pecorino del Poro)