Mirto (Sardinian Myrtle Berry Liqueur)

The series of recipes from our trip to Sardinia has not ended yet. One of the goodies I brought home with me, was a bag of dried myrtle berries. I did not only use them to make wild boar with … Continue reading Mirto (Sardinian Myrtle Berry Liqueur)

1000 Posts in 5 Years

Today exactly five years ago, I posted for the first time to announce the birth of this blog to the world. My mission was then and continues to be to “strive to share every single interesting experience with respect to food and wine” with you all. The blog hasn’t been just about sharing, but also for my own record keeping. I use my own blog posts regularly to recreate recipes that I had perfected before. There are so many recipes by now, that sometimes I’m not sure whether or not I have posted about a certain recipe or not, and run … Continue reading 1000 Posts in 5 Years

Test – Scheduled Post

Dear readers, Recently I have noticed a decreased number of visits, likes, and comments on my blog. I have also noticed that some of my posts (and some of others) do not show up in the WordPress.com reader. My theory is that these two phenomena are connected. Could you please like this post or leave a comment when you see it in the WordPress.com reader? As a test, I will publish a post “live” and I will schedule one to see if that makes any difference. This is the scheduled post. Thanks for your co-operation! Stefan Continue reading Test – Scheduled Post

Test – Unscheduled post

Dear readers, Recently I have noticed a decreased number of visits, likes, and comments on my blog. I have also noticed that some of my posts (and some of others) do not show up in the WordPress.com reader. My theory is that these two phenomena are connected. Could you please like this post or leave a comment when you see it in the WordPress.com reader? As a test, I will publish a post “live” and I will schedule one to see if that makes any difference. Thanks for your co-operation! Stefan Continue reading Test – Unscheduled post

Food Blogging Without Boundaries

On the 1st anniversary of StefanGourmet.com I wrote “ I would love for all of my blogging friends to meet and go on a big cooking spree together, but alas that’s not going to happen with the distances involved.” Conor from ConorBofin.com then responded “Your cook-up idea appeals.” And now, less than three months later, he is here with ‘the wife’ visiting for a weekend of cooking, eating, and a great time. I welcomed them with a dinner that included ravioli with a filling inspired by ChgoJohn’s recipe and PutneyFarm’s brownies for dessert. To include more of our blogging friends in this, we are making Richard McGary’s Butter-Poached Lobster Tails tonight. I couldn’t have … Continue reading Food Blogging Without Boundaries

1 Year StefanGourmet.com!

On November 30, 2011, at 11:07am I posted for the first time on this blog, explaining why I had decided to start blogging. Now, exactly one year later (with a little help from WordPress’s scheduling feature), I am looking back on a wonderful year of food blogging. What I didn’t realize when I started, is that blogging is as much about receiving as it is about giving. I was hoping to receive some feedback on my posts, and after a slow start that really took off and all your nice comments and ‘likes’ have become somewhat of an addiction. But … Continue reading 1 Year StefanGourmet.com!

10,000 views and a second chance for early posts

According to WordPress statistics, as of today this blog has been viewed 10,000 times since it started almost 7 months ago. It’s great to see that the average number of daily views has gone up from 12 in December to 99 so far in June. I looked at the stats and noticed that some of my earlier posts still have a very low number of views and no likes, even though some of my best recipes are among them. To celebrate 10,000 views, I’m giving the best of my earlier posts a second chance. All these posts have no likes … Continue reading 10,000 views and a second chance for early posts

You had two chances… or is it seven?

There are quite a number of awards circulating in the blogosphere. Liebster Blog, The Versatile Blogger, the Very Inspiring Blogger award, the Sunshine award, the Kreativ Blogger award, and probably some more that I haven’t heard of. Most of these require someone who is nominated for the award to nominate 5 others, or 7, or even 15. As Conor pointed out in his excellent post, the numbers multiply quite quickly and if every winner would actually nominate the required amount of new nominees, after a more limited number of rounds than you might think if you are not into maths, … Continue reading You had two chances… or is it seven?

Understanding how cooking actually works with Harold McGee

I’ve been planning for a while to write about cookbooks, to share with you my thoughts on which books are helpful and which are not. Unfortunately, most fall in the latter category. I decided to start with one of the most helpful books, even though it’s not even an actual cookbook with recipes. I’ve always been someone who likes to, or even has a strong urge to, understand things. It bugs me if I don’t understand something. And so I love Harold McGee’s book “Keys to Good Cooking, a guide to making the best of foods and recipes” (2010, ISBN 978 … Continue reading Understanding how cooking actually works with Harold McGee

Liebster award

Conor nominated me for the Liebster award. Thanks, Conor! “The rules are that the winners have to pay forward to other people whose sites are worth the recognition. If they accept the award, they should: thank the person who nominated them; nominate five other favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers, and copy/paste the Liebster Blog Icon into their post.” I know more than five blogs worth nominating, so it was a tough decision to pick these: Come Due Maiali The Accidental Chef Teenage Girl Cooks The $35 a Week Project Food in Singapore and the Rest of the World … Continue reading Liebster award

Why a blog?

I’ve always enjoyed sharing my enthusiasm for cooking, good food and wine with others. It gives me a big thrill when my sharing leads to someone trying something new or developing an interest for wine or cooking. I’ve had a home page on the internet since 1995, where I’ve shared some of my recipes almost from the start. Back in those days the ‘easiest’ way to create a page was to write HTML code using Notepad, so it was quite laborious to share stuff and that is part of the reason why I did not post regular updates. The other reason … Continue reading Why a blog?