Tuna Tacos

I used my first homemade corn tortillas to make tuna tacos. Tacos are stuffed tortillas (either wheat or corn). Tuna tacos are not very traditional, but they sure are delicious. I stuffed the tacos with ancho seared tuna, pico de gallo (a raw tomato salsa) and avocado. We tried this with both soft and crispy tacos, and preferred the latter. The contrast between the soft tuna and the crispy taco shell works very well.


For 8 tacos, serves 2 for dinner

8 corn tortillas

oil or lard for frying the tortillas

300 grams (.66 lb) sashimi grade tuna

1 Tbsp ancho chile rub

2 ripe avocados, preferably hass avocados

2 Tbsp olive oil

1/2 lime

For the pico de gallo

5 vine-ripened tomatoes, diced (about 1 cup)

1 green chile pepper, seeded and minced (about 2 Tbsp)

1 small red onion, minced (about 1/4 cup)

juice of 1/2 lime

1/4 tsp salt

chopped fresh cilantro/coriander, to taste


I had forgotten to include cilantro when I took this picture. I used to hate it, but now like it in moderate quantities.

For the pico de gallo, combine the diced tomato, minced onion, minced chile pepper, salt, lime juice, and chopped cilantro in a bowl.

I only used about 1 tsp of chopped cilantro. If you are a cilantro aficionado, feel free to use a 1/4 cup or more.

Stir to mix. Allow the flavors to blend while you work on the rest.

Fry the tortillas if you like; see yesterday’s post for details. You could also serve 2 hard and 2 soft tacos.

Dice the avocado and sprinkle with a bit of lime juice (to prevent discoloring) and salt.

Rub the tuna with oil, then cover with the ancho chile rub. Sear the tuna over high heat in a non-stick frying pan with a bit of oil.

Sear for less than a minute on each side. The tuna should still be raw inside.

Slice the tuna against the grain into slices of about 4 mm (1/6 inch).

Stuff each taco with tuna and avocado.

Finish with the pico de gallo. Serve at once, garnished with lime wedges and some more cilantro if you like.


Hutspot met draadjesvlees (a hotchpotch of mashed potatoes, carrots, and onions, with braised beef and gravy) is a traditional and popular Dutch dish. For this post I cooked the beef sous-vide, which is not traditional but a lot more juicy than a traditional braise.

21 thoughts on “Tuna Tacos

  1. The Swedish Pop Band and I are drooling over these. Very Cali-Baja-Fresh. This looks *outstanding*. I love high quality, seared, rare fish… especially when integrated into a bright, flavorful South of the Border-type dish. 🙂 YUM, Stefan.


  2. Sugar: you are up early, kind Sir!! Love your ideas, both of the tuna and, of course, the avocado [ours are just coming into season, tho’ they will be Fuerte] and the lovely tomato salsa. I believe you about the hard taco, but shall make mine soft and roll it around that moreish filling! Thanks!!


  3. GREAT looking tacos, Stefan, with perfectly cooked tuna. 🙂 I especially love the plating shot. Seared ancho crusted tuna tacos are one of our favorites. Yours are picture perfect.


  4. This may not be traditional, Stefan, but I’ll take one ..err .. make that two any day. They look quite fresh and appealing and you photographed them very well.


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